Brendon Mahwete

Software Engineer


I'm a Junior software developer who has a passion for software development. I'm motivated by being challenged and using my problem solving skills in the programming field by debugging, maintaining and being part of a team of creating a new software.
My goal is to develop my skills in software development and grow from junior developer to senior developer. I'm passionate about learning and I continuously aim to improve my skills.









Poject management logo

Project Management

A System built with Java that incorporates OOP. The system can be used by building companies to keep track of the building projects, update projects or check if projects are overdue.

Password manager logo

Password Manager

A python project that solves the problem we all face of forgetting passwords. It uses the tkinter module to create a friendly UI. It can generate strong passwords and store passwords created by the user.


HyperionDev-Software Engineer Certificate

Currently completing a bootcamp on software engineering where I'm learning Java and Python and how to interact with files and databases, more specifically SQL. Through building programs that interact with the user I have gained the knowledge of programming with Java and Python.

UNISA-Bsc Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

Learned about the basics of computer languages and is where I learned my first programming language C++.I mastered the basics of C++ by creating programs like calculators.

University of Johannesburg-Bcom Accounting

Learned the basics of accounting and recording of transactions. participating in group assignments help sharpen my soft skills of communication, team work and critical thinking

Phone 0658041253/07895101096

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